Day 116 Blast Off Blog Countdown- Big Love

Hello again. It is day 116 of my dream come true blog countdown for my Blast Off Book launch on January 19th.. In my last entry, I told you the sad story of closing the door on my then book deal. Little did I know what was in store for me down the road. A crystal ball would have saved me so much grief!
Early Attempts
Now don’t feel sorry for me. I failed to mention another aspect of my life that was igniting (in a good way), at the same time that my dream of being a published author was drifting away like a dense fog. You see, like most sentimental poets , I wanted to be in love. And I don’t mean a crush or a pleasant connection, I wanted the BIG LOVE. Firecrackers, LaLALA (Okay. You get the picture.) The kind you see in the romance movie as you sit there feeling completely depressed because what they have seems so far from your reality.
It wasn’t as if I hadn’t tried! Oh, I had tried. I was your serial monogamist with a flare for frogs. I am really not being mean. They were all really cute in a toadish kind of way. I am sure they thought I was just as amphibiously inclined.
Anyway, back to the Big LOVE. I had been successful in my career, I was a good mom, but there was still that emptiness lingering inside. And if one more person told me that I needed to learn to enjoy being by myself, I was going to scream. Why did I have to love to live alone? I like being with people. This is the way human nature set us up. Look at mammals. They travel in packs. Fish in schools, birds in flocks….
My Dream Man
I was actually sitting in a pretty nice place in my life. After a few too many heartaches, I finally began to really understand who “I” was as a person, and what I loved doing, what I enjoyed thinking about and how I wanted to “be” in this world. And at the same time, I began to really understand what type of man would be the best match for me. Up to this point, I kept getting involved with guys I was attracted to, or that were nice, but they did not fit my lifestyle, my ideal and values. Then I ended up feeling frustrated, bored, angry… and there was nothing wrong with them. It was me! I just kept choosing the wrong partner. I did not want a male clone of me, (scary thought) but from my vast experience on this topic I knew that an extreme opposite personality, in my case, just did not work either. So I began to create a vision of who my dream man would be.
- He needed to be an entrepreneur also so he could understand my passion for business and be able to take vacations on a whim.
- He needed to have a zest for life, be adventurous, love to travel, dine out and enjoy the theater.
- He needed to have an open heart and really be ready for a relationship. (this is a big one that we often forget to ask for) You could find the perfect partner, but if they are not ready, forget it.
- Kind-hearted, good sense of humor, independent, yada yada.
Don’t Settle
I cannot tell you how many times people would say to me, “Allison, what you want in a man does not exist. You are such a dreamer!” Or my favorite, “So what if you two have nothing in common. He’s a nice guy!” The truth is that I never listen anyway, and I never gave up hope. I always knew that my soulmate was out there somewhere. And once I got completely clear on what that right partner would be like, I stopped settling. And I finally began to apply the same formula I used, from creating successful businesses to finding my soulmate. I know that sounds crazy, but it worked. We just celebrated our third anniversary.
Allison Shares Insights Into Finding Your Soulmate– Click here to watch the video.
What does this have to do with launching my new book? Everything. Because once my heart was full, I could be in the headspace to write.
Good-night, all.
NOTE: My book has now been published since i originally wrote this post. You can read more about it here: Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality.
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