What Is The Next Chapter Of Your Life?
What is the next chapter in your life going to read like? If you could write it however you wanted to, what would it say? If you think of your life in this way, you can position yourself as the author of your world. It is your choice. Be deliberate and choose the direction, the vision the life you want to live. Then, take action right now. Three small steps per day, I call them Mini Feats, toward your new chapter. If your fear arises as you walk forward, acknowledge it, but keep walking through it anyway. The fear will begin to dissolve the more steps you take in this new direction. Don’t wait for the right time. That will never come unless you proclaim it to be and own it. And I cannot wait to read your next chapter. Please send me a copy!
By the way, if you enjoy my inspirations and strategies, please read more about it in my book Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality. Click here to get my life-changing book. It is full of easy, yet powerful steps towards the next amazing chapter of your life.