Is Micromanagement and the Fear of Losing Control Stifling Your Business Growth?

Over the last 35 years, I’ve scaled 10 companies and helped thousands of business owners do the same with their businesses. During that time I’ve noticed that most business owners struggle with one very crucial thing: Letting go of micromanagement.
I get it. When you’re used to wearing all the hats in your company, it can be difficult to take a step back and trust someone else to step up. But if you want to take your company to the next level, that’s exactly what you have to do.
When working with CEOs and founders, while using our SCALEit Method®, to help them grow their companies, some of the biggest complaints from business owners I hear is:
Do you relate? We could include many variations of complaints to this list for CEOs. If this sounds like you, it is your time to plan your strategic vision and have your best year ever in 2022 and beyond. The time is now to create a bigger future for your business.
Why Business Owners Micromanage Their Employees

Most business owners micromanage their employees because they are afraid of losing control. They don’t trust that their employees will do the job right, so they end up doing it themselves. This can be very exhausting and detrimental to the company’s growth. Let’s look at some of the top reasons that owners and managers micromanage their employees:
- The owner may feel that she is the only one who can do the job properly.
- The owner may not trust her employees to do their jobs correctly.
- The owner may be a control freak and enjoy having power over others.
- The owner may feel anxious or stressed if she does not have a direct hand in everything that happens in her company.
- The owner may be afraid that her employees will make mistakes that will reflect poorly on her.
- The owner may believe that she can do her employees’ jobs better than they can themselves.
- The owner may simply enjoy being involved in every aspect of her company’s operations.
The Drawbacks to Micromanagement

When you micromanage your employees, you are essentially saying that you don’t trust them to do their job. This lack of trust can lead to a lot of tension and conflict within the company. It can also make your employees feel like they are not valued or appreciated, which can lead to them becoming disgruntled and eventually leaving the company.
Micromanagement can also lead to you being bogged down in the day-to-day details of the business, instead of being able to focus on the big picture. This can make it difficult to make strategic decisions that are necessary for the company’s growth.
Finally, micromanagement can be very time-consuming and exhausting. If you are constantly checking in on your employees and second-guessing their decisions, you will not have any time left to focus on your own work. This can lead to burnout, both for you and for your employees.
How Do You Let Go and Stop Micromanaging Your Employees?

The first step is to recognize that you have a micromanagement problem. If you find yourself constantly checking in on your employees or second-guessing their decisions, then it’s time to take a step back.
The next step is to start delegating tasks and giving your employees more responsibility. This will help them feel more valued and appreciated, and it will also free up your time so that you can focus on more important tasks.
Finally, you need to learn to trust your employees. This may be difficult at first, but it is essential if you want to stop micromanaging. Trust your employees to do their jobs and they will likely surprise you with their results.
Just because you’ve always done something doesn’t mean you should continue to do it. Get over the impulse to micromanage and let people you hired, do the work.
If you’re constantly jumping in and saving the day with your team members, where will they get the impetus to figure it out on their own or just own it and feel that you truly trust them? This is how they’re going to learn. This is how they will feel like they can show you what they’re capable of.
Take a breath and let your team members shine. You can only scale if you master the power of delegating well. Maximize resources, ensure that the highest priorities are achieved, and boost productivity, enthusiasm, and dedication.
Let Go and Let Your Company Grow

If you want your company to grow, you need to learn to let go. You need to trust your employees and give them the freedom to do their jobs. This can be difficult, but it is essential if you want your company to scale.
The SCALEit Method® can help you let go of control and learn to trust your employees. Our team of expert coaches will work with you to create a customized plan that fits your specific needs. We will help you communicate your vision to your team and give you the tools you need to let go of control. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you SCALE your business.
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