Work on Your Mindset to Scale Your Business
Can you identify the #1 problem you see standing between where you are now and where you want to scale your business? Is it cash flow, sales, culture, your team, your leadership, or something else? No matter how successful your company is now, I guarantee that you have work to do on your mindset at each new stage of growth. As we remind our clients at Pinnacle Global Network, “New level, new devil.”
As a successful business owner, your mindset—the stories you tell yourself—will make or break your company. We’re constantly telling ourselves stories, whether we’re aware of it or not. You must constantly evolve and expand your mindset to stay ahead of your company’s growth. You need to move boldly and confidently toward your goals, tackle challenges head-on, and ignore the mind chatter that can convince you to play small. So, make sure you’re telling a story that has you conquering your challenges and emerging the hero!
As CEOs, we are a stubborn bunch willing to do ‘whatever it takes’ to achieve our goals. That extreme commitment sometimes means we stick to the wrong path long past the time when we should have woken up and made a different choice. Consider this:
Your Thoughts >> Your Feelings >> Your Actions >> Your Results
The results you see flow in a chain that begin with your beliefs, thoughts, and stories; which in turn influence your feelings and reactions (or in-actions). A positive, determined, growth mindset will super-charge your emotions and actions and lead to achieving your desired results. On the flip side, a negative or fixed mindset is sure to hinder or derail your progress toward your goals. The fact is, every time you scale your business to the next level, you are going to face a whole new round of challenges. It can get scarier as you scale because you have more to lose, and you need to have your mindset in check every step of the way.
All of your deep-seated beliefs—Am I worthy? Am I strong enough? Am I smart enough? Am I up to the task?—will come up front and center. So will the irrational fears of things beyond your control going wrong—Will the economy collapse? Will our customers stop buying from me? Will our clients go out of business? Will my costs shoot through the roof? Will my competition eat my lunch? Mindset, and the actions that flow from it, are so important, because each time you overcome your demons, your skin thickens, you learn lessons, and you bounce back faster with each setback.
If you want to grow your business by 40 percent, YOU—personally—need to grow by 60 percent. Cultivate a success mindset by rooting out the stories that keep you stuck. If you’re game to work on your mindset and identify any beliefs that are holding you back from scaling to the next level, then here’s your assignment:
- Watch this short video and download this tool >> Your New Infinite Story
- Identify two stories you tell yourself about why you can’t scale your business. Write them out!
- Then write two new stories—stories that empower you and affirm your ability to scale your company as big as you can imagine.
Scaling your business means replicating your processes, products, and services so they can multiply well beyond you. It also means building a team-managed company so you can stop working in the business and elevate to working on the business. It all depends on your mindset, which needs to be free, clear, and focused at all times to make the right business decisions, especially when challenging things happen.
Discover The SCALEit Method™, a proven process for fast-tracking your business growth by mastering the five most critical pillars of scaling successfully. Start working smarter, not harder! Download our 17 Ways to Scale Your Company Fast. This includes a FREE Download and a video training with Allison Maslan.