How to Boost your Cash (fast) During an Economic Downturn with Garret Gunderson
With all the big changes that are happening, many of us are having to make big pivots in our businesses, and we’re having to make them NOW.
With everything that’s going on right now, it’s easy to convince yourself that sacrifice, scrimping, and scaling down is the way to help your business survive.
But in reality, this is really the time to expand!
If you have the right financial strategies and — even more important — mindset, you will see that there are tons of revenue opportunities around you waiting to be tapped.
There are some really fantastic and surprising ways to grow your cashflow… you just have to know where to look.
That’s why I am so excited for today’s episode of The Scale or Fail Show, featuring wealth expert Garrett Gunderson.
Garrett B. Gunderson is the founder of The Wealth Factory, which helps self-made business owners and entrepreneurs who understand hard work — but who haven’t been given the proper financial tools to build lasting wealth. Besides being the founder of an Inc. 500 firm, he’s also the author of multiple WSJ bestsellers and hit the NY Times with his book, Killing Sacred Cows.
If you want to transform your thoughts into profits, keep way more of what you make, grow your money without sacrifice or delay… Garrett is your guy.
Watch this episode to discover:
- Garrett’s unbelievable story of starting in a coal-mining family (with zero financial experience) and becoming a financial consultant before the age of 21
- A huge difference he noticed in wealthy clients that he didn’t see in clients who “just got by”… and how he helps them bridge the gap
- Garrett’s best quickstarts for boosting cashflow right now
- Why cash management is just as important as revenue right now
- The #1 most important thing business owners should do in order to survive and thrive during COVID-19 — and beyond
- Plus, the fantastic piece of financial advice that literally got Garrett kicked off a live CNBC show (that still holds up today!)
- And much, much more!
I’m totally serious when I say every business owner should watch this episode.
Garrett is seriously one of the most brilliant, experienced, and impressive financial experts I’ve spoken with. And in this interview, he gave his top advice — from creating revenue to managing team culture — for creating cash in your business right now and for years to come.