3 ​S​imple I​nflue​nce​ T​echni​ques ​to make more sales in less time – with Michael Bernoff

The #1 problem that most business owners struggle with is improving sales.

That’s why for this week’s Allie & You, I’m sharing an interview I did with one of the world’s top persuasion experts — my friend Michael Bernoff, the president and founder of the Human Communications Institute, a leader in the personal and professional development industry.

Michael’s techniques are simple, easy, and wildly effective. See for yourself…

You’ll discover:

  • What sales really is – and why getting this wrong (like most do) can make you come off as sleazy or high-pressure
  • The #1 thing you need to get prospects to do to convert them to customers
  • Why most people struggle to make decisions – especially when it comes to buying something
  • 3 critical questions to ask before a sales conversation to ensure you’re in the right place to guide a prospect
  • What prospects need to know about you before they can decide to buy from you
  • 3 Respect Techniques that Michael uses on each sales call – and how adding them to your sales process will put you in the driver’s seat

