120 Days Until Book Launch Time!

Thanks for joining me for my countdown. Only 120 days left as I share my personal journey to making my biggest dream come true. Somehow when I was younger, 120 days would seem like an eternity. Now it seems like just a few blinks and January 19th will be here.
The whole concept of time boggles my mind. There never seems to be enough of it and yet, when I am working out with my trainer, Marcus, every second feels like a decade! (He was extra brutal today.)
How I came to writing my book had many twists and turns. All roads have led to a wonderful place, but in a few of instances, the path was windier and bumpier than I had anticipated. I am sure you have had that experience. You are gritting your teeth with disappointment one moment and then months later you look back and think, “Oh, yeah. Now I get it. Thank God that didn’t work out. This is so much better!” This is the life stuff you just can’t make up and you cannot plan. There always seems to be a better, bigger plan, but you just can’t see it at the time.
Four years ago, I was approached by a major publisher to write a book about how to build a business from a spiritual perspective. After a year of proposals, various chapters, rewrite after rewrite, the book they finally approved was NOT me at all. It was not my voice, my message, and I just could not bring myself to put my name on it. Since my dream had always been to publish a book, the idea of pulling out of the deal nauseated and saddened me greatly. I felt like I was throwing away an amazing opportunity, but I just could not put my name on a book that I did not respect. My passion for this manuscript was not there and I could not manufacture the feeling. (I tried, believe me. Kind of like the relationship that looks good on paper, but ya’ just don’t feel it!) So I compiled all of my stacks of writing into a box and regretfully closed the door….
Stay tuned for what happens next in the journey of making my biggest dream come true! My book launch!
Feel free to join in on the discussion…
NOTE: My book has been published since I originally wrote this post. You can read more about it and also order it here: Blast Off! The Surefire Success Plan To Launch Your Dreams Into Reality.