1 Simple, Life Changing Secret to Finally Get Your Work Done!
To become successful in business and increase your revenue to a much higher trajectory, you have to master the art of ‘getting your stuff done.’ Let’s face it….coming up with the business ideas is the easy part, finding the time and sitting yourself down to execute these ideas is no easy feat for most entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are creative spirits, and we can be all over the place chasing one shiny object after the next. I call this EADD, Entrepreneurial ADD. The issue with this is that too many million-dollar ideas stay just that, an idea that is never manifested. Yes, I get it. There are only so many hours in the day and you are busy. No excuse! Managing your time and making a commitment to completing your big goals and dreams is key for true success to happen at any level.
Let’s take that first step together right now. Repeat after me:
“I am committing to taking my big dreams and goals off of the back burner and put them into action starting right now. I am also committing to develop, implement and sell my business building products, services and/or programs every single day.”
Now that we are all on the same page with your commitment, let’s focus on completing these goals on a daily basis.
One of the greatest business ‘get things done’ strategies I have practiced over the years is breaking the big, lofty projects down into tiny baby steps, I call them ‘Mini Feats.’ Mini feats are the bite-size steps of accomplishment that lead to your Big Picture Vision in your business. I am not talking about daily tasks such as running errands, organizing your desk or feeding your dog. I am talking about the big life-changing goals that will ultimately increase the bottom line of your business, and your overall level of life satisfaction. By breaking down these big goals into smaller, more manageable action steps, even the impossible will become possible.
How To:
Instead of trying to find several available hours to get your projects done, take only three small steps a day in ten-minute increments toward these bigger goals. You can do anything for ten minutes, so there is no excuse! Schedule your Mini Feats in your appointment book or smartphone as an actual appointment so you are more likely to show up and follow through. (If you end up spending more than ten minutes, that is totally fine. But you have to do a minimum of three Mini Feats a day.) At the end of the week, with little or no stress, you will already be twenty-one steps closer to your goal and ultimately creating higher revenue for your business. This is exactly how I wrote my No. 1 best selling book, Blast Off! while raising a teenage daughter and running 3 other companies. With baby steps, you can become a multi-managing master!
Stop waiting for the right time because, frankly, it is not going to arrive. Take your life by the reigns and lead it gracefully to success… one Mini Feat at time.